Feedback is the breakfast of champions.
— Ken Blanchard

Happy Clients


Kerry has been a voice of reason and mentor to me for the past 10 years. She always pushed me to dig deeper into myself and what I wanted out of life. She has encouraged me to always be myself, be comfortable in my own skin, and not downsize my accomplishments, something I’ve always struggled with. She’s an honest, open minded person who REALLY listens without judgement. Her feedback is comforting but also challenging in ways which push me to have a better perspective on situations. I put more energy towards the positive and less to the negative because of that. She’s the first person I go to when I feel anxious or discouraged.

— K.Jones

Getting coached by Kerry Ann is a fantastic experience for several reasons. First and foremost she keeps it very real. She doesn’t sugarcoat ur situation or ur perspective and concentrates on the facts. She doesn’t judge or give u solutions...she helps u find the answers YOU need in order to move forward in your greatness and power. She asks provocative questions that help you figure out your own solutions. She’s there as your guide and helps you do the work. If you are blocked she gives suggestions on how to get unblocked and checks in. And finally she helps you get reconnected with your spirituality. Just love her approach. If you are in a rut personally or professionally, need perspective, need that extra push to get out there and do something great, or just want to develop to be a better human being give Kerry Ann Totten a call

— T. eyssallenne

Maya Angelou once stated that “we delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty”. This quote exemplifies the transformation I have embarked on while engaging in my sessions with Kerry Anne Elliott. During each session I was able to become more organized and create goals that positively challenged me mentally, as I was able to come out of my comfort zone. Each session allowed me to hold myself ACCOUNTABLE for the decisions I made to obtain each goal.  I was not only able to have a voice through each session, but find ways in which I can use my voice to reach closer to my DIVINE purpose in life. One moment that profoundly stood out to me was when I was describing moments in which I felt as if I was often hydrating others as I poured water into their cups, which eventually left me dehydrated. Kerry Anne told me “Well Whit this isn’t about anyone else, this is about you and how you can change and acknowledge that”. After this moment, I knew that I was in for a ride!  I have an abundant amount of gratitude for each session because, I went from being apprehensive about a variety of my goals due to the idea that I was very hard on myself, to becoming radiantly confident, devoted, spiritually grounded and patient. I was able to gain an understanding that although I may have started off as a caterpillar, the beauty within my metamorphosis would allow me to dazzlingly fly as I conquer my goals and aspirations. Through the tears, prayers, laughter, vulnerability, and motivation throughout our sessions together, I could not have asked for a better life coach and mentor. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

— W. small

My experience with Kerry as a coach has changed how I think about my purpose. Kerry allowed me to recognize and accept that having a positive disposition is a character trait in which to be proud. Her coaching style of listening to what’s being said behind your words makes being vulnerable easy. She always knows the right questions to heighten your self awareness and inspire revelation. As a coach, Kerry is an encourager, motivator, sounding board, thoughtful, and insightful. I thank God all the time for having her in my life.

— M. Maylor