Frequently Asked Questions


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How long do I get to work with you?

Coaching partnerships are all about what works for you. Some coaches work on a month to month basis with sessions happening weekly or bi-weekly. I find that coaching partnership yields the greatest results when we work together anywhere from 3 months to a year. It really all depends on your goals, dreams and vision. However, it you feel most comfortable with working on a month to month basis, that is also fine.

Can I work with you for a specific amount of time?

Absolutely, if you have a particular project in mind or would like to achieve a goal within a certain amount of time, we can certainly partner together during the allotted time. However, you may find that you enjoyed the process of having your coach there by your side every step of the way and choose to continue our partnership. I’m here for it! Let’s GO!

Why is life coaching the new “it” thing?

Coaching has been around for a long time in different forms. We are in a time in society where we moved further away from connecting to others and we are getting back to realizing that we need each other. Yes, you can read a personal development book. I’ve read hundreds myself. But there is nothing like having someone, a person who is on your side, who wants you to will and whose focus is to work with you so you can be GREAT. We are realizing the power of relation-ship and how that manifests itself in a partnership for success.

If I am already successful, why do I need to partner with you?

You certainly don’t “need” a coach. You get to choose whether you want to partner with me to take things to the next level. We are in a unique time in our evolution where there are so many distractors. Things that take us away from the core of who we are and what we value. You may be extremely successful in your career and realize that you still aren’t fulfilled. You don’t feel purposeful. We can work together to discover your signature strengths which are rooted in your core values to that you can design and live your life, both personally and professionally, while being in alignment with your authentic self.

Can working with you harm me in anyway?

No way. You make your own decisions and implement your action plan toward your goals. I get the honor of encouraging you, inspiring you and supporting you along the way. You deserve to be celebrated. I may challenge you to think outside the box or get out of your comfort zone, however you ultimately decide to use or discard that recommendation. At the end of each of our sessions, I always check in with you about coaching strategies that worked for you and ones you would rather leave behind. Feedback is the breakfast of champions so I welcome yours in order to customize interactions so they are most effective in helping you achieve results.

Why do I neeD A COACH?

Athletes and actors never ask themselves that question. They get a coach because they know they have skills, strengths and talent and they deserve to have someone whose sole purpose is to challenge them to be the best version of themselves. The question is not “Why do I need a coach?” The question is, “Am I ready for a coach?” Am I ready to have someone listen to my dreams, goals and ambitions? Am I ready to have someone help me to discover and hone in on my amazingness and tap into my inner self? Am I ready to have someone push me outside of my comfort zone? After all growth only happens when we are a bit uncomfortable. This is the thing, you already have all you need to be successful and to design the life you want. We get the opportunity to work together where I can ask you the right questions that will put you in a space to tap into that inner greatness and get to design and live the life you believe you deserve.

Why does coaching work?.

Coaching works because you work? You identify what you want to accomplish and I work with you to determine the purpose, the “why” behind your goals. Once you get to your why, we work out the “how” together and I offer supportive accountability in your ACTION STEPS. I also offer you the truth when you need to hear it so that we can get to the core of who you are and who you want to be knowing that you have the ability to be whomever you choose. Coaching also works because I believe that you are designed for distinction. You are unique! You are you! The mere thought of helping you to see the greatness in you is super exciting. Coaching works because you get to partner with someone who sees you for you and know that you are enough RIGHT NOW!

What do we do in our coaching sessions?

We focus on your goals or a solution to a challenge you may be having. We get to the core of who you are and identify the skills, strengths and talents you already posses. We strategize and put our plan into action to achieve the results you want.

what if I feel like i can’t accomplish anything with you?

If you begin to feel this way, it is time to take a pause or add another variable to the relationship. You may need to add a therapist to the mix and kudos to you for being so self-aware that you would notice a bit of dependency happening. I am here to provide you with support, advise, recommendations and the structure you need to tap into your skills, gifts and talents so you can intensify the focus on your growth and be intentional about being the best version of yourself.